To the left - Madame Caramelle, to the right - Josephina
've mostly been doing work for my book lately, but at the side, I'm doing designs for a roleplaying games campaign I'm doing for my friends and me. We're just going to have tons of fun and play, the setting being London in the end of the nineteenth century and the game system being Call of Cthulhu.
roleplaying 角色扮演遊戲(RPG,英文全稱 Role-playing Game)是一種遊戲,在遊戲中,玩家扮演虛擬世界中的一個或者幾個隊員角色在特定場景下進行遊戲。角色根據不同的遊戲情節和統計數據(例如生命值、法力、力量、靈敏度、智力等等)具有不同的能力,而這些屬性會根據遊戲規則做對應的改變。
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