電子娛樂展覽,(又叫E3遊戲展),即Electronic Entertainment Expo/Exposition,簡稱為E³,常被寫作E3。是世界上電子遊戲界最大的年度商業化展覽,也是第三大的遊戲大會。展覽只對那些電子遊戲業界業內人士以及記者開放,並且制定了了18歲以上才能參觀的年齡限制 。
particle effects and shaders are utilized just to create this one scene. “The story we are telling is a horrific visceral version of Greek mythology. Moments like the Helios head rip, fit perfectly into that definition. Based on the fans’ reactions at E3 and Comic-Con, you can be sure there will more graphic moments in 'God of War III'."