SIGGRAPH (short for Special Interest Group on GRAPHics and Interactive Techniques) 2008 is evolving along with the computer graphics and interactive techniques community. We're dissolving the borders between traditional SIGGRAPH programs to create a more fluid, interdisciplinary conference. And we're offering presenters more flexible options for sharing their work.
Meats Meier has also been working with Rabbitholes 3D Motion Art to create a holographic version of the Animation Mother. Rabbitholes own the technology that makes the most intense holograms available. The Animation Mother hologram display plays around 1,300 frames of animations as the viewer walks from one side to the other, and literally jumps off the canvas with nice, bright colors. “It will be printed as a large scale poster for the Nokia Center lobby during the SIGGRAPH show,” says Meats, “and will also appear as part of the animation award itself. I love being able to see it in its true 3D form. Doing a holographic version of her is a perfect fit for the ‘evolution’ theme and it's the next logical step in the evolution of 3D as ‘art’.”
肉類邁爾還一直與Rabbitholes三維動畫的藝術創造全息版本的動畫母親。 Rabbitholes自己的技術,使最激烈的全息圖可用。動畫母全息圖顯示了1300幀的動畫的觀眾從一邊步行到另一個,和字面跳樓的帆布好,明亮的色彩。 “這將是打印為大型海報,諾基亞在中心大廳的SIGGRAPH顯示,說:”肉“,也將顯示為一部分動畫大獎。我喜歡能夠看到它在真正的3D形式。做好全息版本的她是一個完美的適合的'演變'的主題,它的下一個合乎邏輯的步驟,在三維的演變為'藝術'。“
肉類邁爾還一直與Rabbitholes三維動畫的藝術創造全息版本的動畫母親。 Rabbitholes自己的技術,使最激烈的全息圖可用。動畫母全息圖顯示了1300幀的動畫的觀眾從一邊步行到另一個,和字面跳樓的帆布好,明亮的色彩。 “這將是打印為大型海報,諾基亞在中心大廳的SIGGRAPH顯示,說:”肉“,也將顯示為一部分動畫大獎。我喜歡能夠看到它在真正的3D形式。做好全息版本的她是一個完美的適合的'演變'的主題,它的下一個合乎邏輯的步驟,在三維的演變為'藝術'。“
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